Resume Learners in Islamic Education

Name : Safani Intan Rossania

Class : TBI A


Learners in Islamic Education

  1. Definition Students

    Students are one of the educational components that influence the achievement of educational goals. Without students, teaching will not exist and education will not occur. As one component of education, students receive serious attention from education experts. For the successful achievement of teaching objectives.

    The term is often used to indicate term students; i.e. tilmidh, (plural talamidh, talamidha) which means students and talib (seeker of knowledge) (plural talaba, tullab) which means people who demand knowledge (religion) of students or students.

According to Maragustam, students in Islamic education are members of the community who are trying to develop themselves through the process of education into humans who have knowledge, faith-piety and noble character so that they are able to carry out their functions as servants / worshipers of God and as caliphs.

To determine the type of student, it cannot be separated from the types or forms of education. In general, the form of education is divided into two, namely school and non-school education. School education is a formal educational institution. While out-of-school education takes the form of informal education and non-formal education.

1. Formal education

This formal education is held in schools or educational institutions that are academic. While the age of students at a relatively homongen level, especially at the beginning of the levels. This formal education is held from kindergarten to college level.

2. Informal education

Informal education is education that is obtained by someone from daily experience consciously or unconsciously, from someone born to death, in the family, at work, or everyday experience.

  1. Education in the family. In this case, educators and educated formed naturally.

  2. Education in youth associations. In this case, the education provided is not compulsory like nature, such as a family education institution and is also not compulsory like school but is free or voluntary.

  3. Education for adults and the elderly. generally carried out by the private sector, but some are given government assistance. For example, arts organizations, professional organizations, and so on (Joesoef, 1992: 73-79).

  1. Non-formal education

Regular education, consciously carried out but not too strict and following strict rules. The task of non-formal education is to shape the quality and dignity of individuals and citizens who, with their abilities and beliefs, must be able to control change and progress. Non-formal education is formed according to the needs and does not require certain conditions, and can be implemented anywhere. In addition, non-formal education in a short time can be used to train the workforce needed. Non-formal education can take the form of courses and so on.

B. Duties and Responsibilities of students

So that the implementation of the Islamic education process can achieve the desired goals to make students, then every student should always be aware of their duties and responsibilities. As stated by Al-Abrasyi as quoted by Al Rasyidin, that among the tasks and responsibilities of students include:

  1. Before starting learning activities, students must first cleanse their hearts of bad qualities, because teaching and learning is worship and worship must be done with a clean heart and body.

  2. Students must learn with the intention of filling their souls with various virtues to draw closer to God.

  3. Willing to seek knowledge to various distant places even though they have to leave the area of ​​birth or homeland, family, siblings or even father and mother and so on.

  4. Be respectful of the teacher, glorify him, and glorify him because of God and try to please him in a way that is good and blessed by God.

  5. Don't bother the teacher, don't walk in front of him, don't sit in his seat, and don't start talking before he is allowed.

  6. Serious and diligent in learning.

  7. Mutual siblings and love between fellow students.

  8. Learners must first greet the teacher and reduce the conversation in front of him.

  9.  Students should always repeat the lesson, both at dusk and at dawn before dawn or between the time of Isha 'and eat the meal.

  10. Determined to study until the end of life, do not underestimate a branch of science, but let all knowledge have its merits.

C. Characteristics of Students

Syamsul Nizar describes the criteria of students, namely:

  1. Students are not miniature adults but have their own world. This is very important to understand so that the treatment of them in the education process is not equated with adult education, both in aspects of teaching methods, the material to be taught, the source of the material to be used, and so forth.

  2. Students have a period of development and growth. This understanding needs to be known so that Islamic education activities are adjusted to the level of growth and development that is generally passed by each student. This is very reasonable, because the level of ability of students is determined by the age factor and the period of development or growth potential it has.

  3. Students are human beings who have needs, both concerning physical and spiritual needs that must be met. Among these needs are biological needs, compassion, security, self-esteem, self-realization, and so forth. All of that is important to be understood by educators so that their educational tasks can run well and smoothly.

  4. Students are God's creatures who have individual differences both due to innate factors and the environment in which they are. An understanding of individual student differentiation is very important to be understood by an educator. This is because it involves how the approach that educators need to take in dealing with these various attitudes and differences in a dynamic atmosphere, without having to sacrifice the interests of one party or group.


Haitami Salim and Syamsil Kurniawan, Studi Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, Jogjakarta: AR-Ruzz MEDIA, 2012

Lailatul Maghfiroh, Hakikat Pendidikan dan Peserta Didik dalam Pendidikan Islam, diakses pada 2 April 2020 

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